BD Introduces High-Throughput Single-Cell Multiomics Platform

The BD Rhapsody HT Xpress System enables scientists to isolate, barcode and analyze single cells at a high sample throughput.

Bd New Ht Xpress System

BD today announced a new instrument for single-cell multiomics analysis that will enable scientists to run high-throughput studies without sacrificing sample integrity – potentially accelerating time to discovery across a wide range of disciplines including immunology, genetic disease research, and cancer and chronic disease research.

The BD Rhapsody HT Xpress System enables scientists to isolate, barcode and analyze single cells at a high sample throughput — up to eight times more cells than prior versions of BD single-cell analyzers. The system ensures no sample loss and gives scientists the flexibility to analyze multiple samples and different cell sizes and types, such as stem cells or cancer cells, at the same time, to obtain more insights in less time. The new technology will be on display at the Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) General Meeting February 6-9 in Hollywood, Florida.

Single-cell multiomics is a rapidly growing approach that enables researchers to look at multiple layers of "omics" (including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics) information on a single cell, to exponentially increase the parameters that can be investigated and uncover a more comprehensive view of health and disease.

Additionally at the AGBT General Meeting, BD will introduce the BD Rhapsody Mouse TCR/BCR Multiomic Assay, a cell receptor profiling tool for single-cell studies, as well as BD Flex Single-Cell Multiplexing Kits, a companion tool for single-cell studies on any BD Rhapsody system, including the BD Rhapsody HT Xpress System, enabling more elements to be measured in a single run by expanding the number of sample tags. BD will also present data on these latest innovations.

BD is completing early-access testing for the BD Rhapsody HT Xpress System, which will soon be commercially available globally.

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