BD, Hamilton to Standardize Single-Cell Multiomics Experiments Using Robotics

BD aims to deliver a suite of BD Rhapsody Single-Cell Analysis Library Preparation Reagent Kits.

Bd Hamilton Collaboration

BD announced a collaboration agreement with Hamilton, a global manufacturer of laboratory automation technology, to develop automated applications together with robotics-compatible reagent kits to enable greater standardization and reduced human error when conducting large-scale single-cell multiomics experiments.

As a result of the collaboration, BD aims to deliver a suite of BD Rhapsody Single-Cell Analysis Library Preparation Reagent Kits that can be performed on the Hamilton Microlab NGS STAR robotic liquid-handling platform. The combination will automate steps, including pipetting and thermal cycling, to produce DNA samples or "libraries" that are ready for genetic sequencing.

In single-cell multiomics experiments, constructing libraries of fragmented genetic information that can be read by sequencing instruments is an essential first step before next-generation sequencing (NGS) can be performed and insights from cells can be gathered. NGS library preparation is historically a time-intensive process with manual steps that can result in inconsistent results and compromised data quality.

"Multiomics-based assays are increasingly used by single cell researchers in the fields of oncology, immunology and other disciplines to help investigate the various layers of information on a single cell and access a deeper view of health and disease, which is why ensuring reproducible results is critical," said Steve Conly, worldwide president at BD Biosciences. "By integrating Hamilton's robotic technology into our end-to-end portfolio of single-cell multiomics solutions, BD continues to leverage automation so that more researchers — whether academic, biopharmaceutical, or contract research organization— are empowered to perform larger scale single-cell multiomics studies with confidence."

Matt Hamilton, Vice CEO at Hamilton added, "Through this collaboration with BD, we aim to deliver a complete solution for researchers that reduces the potential for biases and enables greater throughput so that labs can achieve their results with greater reliability. As more researchers adopt the rapidly evolving and important approach of single-cell multiomics, we believe that having automated solutions for high-throughput experiments will serve to accelerate their potentially life-changing discoveries."

The BD Rhapsody Single-Cell Analysis Library Preparation Reagent Kits and Hamilton Microlab NGS STAR applications will be developed and released in phases starting in 2024.

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