Mediso Launches Next Generation MRI Spectrometer

The spectrometer is interfaced with three Mediso-developed software applications to deliver a complete MRI workflow.

Mediso 1

Mediso released their next generation MRI spectrometer spinScan the successor to the previously used console in the nanoScan MRI product line. The new spectrometer was optimized for MRI applications delivering an ultra-low-noise expandable RF front-end and real-time dynamic shimming.

The spectrometer is interfaced with three Mediso-developed software applications to deliver a complete MRI workflow: the Sequence Development Platform for absolute control over the pulse sequences and reconstruction algorithms, the FDA approved and clinically validated InterView FUSION and Nucline for routine acquisition planning, reconstruction, image post-processing and evaluation.

The spinScan spectrometer is based on a technology that has been continuously developed for 10+ years, featuring an FPGA SoC platform with highly scalable transceiver architecture enabling more than 128 receiver channels and microsecond gradient resolution with closed-loop control via high-speed optical interfaces. Eddy current compensation is realized through digital cross term pre-emphasis adjustment allowing for improved EPI image quality. The spinScan spectrometer features Mediso's extensive pulse sequence library with a wide range of readily optimized imaging protocols including all relevant anatomical sequences as well as high-end neuroimaging and spectroscopy protocols.

The console creates a future proof platform for all nanoScan MRI systems, especially empowering the standalone MRI's used for high-end preclinical research applications.

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