GigXR announced today the debut of DICOM XR Library powered by INTRAVISION XR. The new application renders a complete set of 3D medical imagery derived from MRI and CT scans for use in teaching, training, and simulation. This provides nursing and medical schools, hospitals, and the Department of Defense with the ability to use holographic medical imagery in anatomy and pathophysiology curricula.
By providing a 360-degree look at how pathology and injury manifests in diagnostic imaging, DICOM XR Library better prepares medical and nursing students and professionals to assess and diagnose a real-life patient. The application also adds pathophysiology to the vital skill of reading and interpreting test results by showing holograms with full-dimensional anatomy.
DICOM XR Library is delivered by the Gig Immersive Learning Platform, enterprise software for institution-wide immersive teaching, training, and simulation across levels, programs, and departments. Managed through the platform’s dashboard, instructors can curate a custom library of complementary applications for a simple, streamlined way to incorporate holographic content into their curricula. This further empowers learners to:
- Reinforce general anatomy learning by exploring body structures in HoloHuman, a 3D human cadaver made in collaboration with Elsevier, prior to seeing exactly how anatomy translates to real-life medical imaging in DICOM XR Library.
- Visualize pathophysiology immersively in 3D with the Insight Series, developed by ANIMA RES. Learners can view accurately modeled, holographic animations of the heart, lung and kidney in the Insight Series applications prior to assessing conditions and pathologies through 3D MRI and CT scans in DICOM XR Library.
- Replicate real-world diagnostic processes by examining holographic standardized patient scenarios in HoloPatient. With DICOM XR Library, learners can make a likely diagnosis of the patient prior to reviewing the corresponding 3D medical imagery.
- Better evaluate and apply actual test results to clinical simulation in HoloScenarios, an application co-created with Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, University of Michigan, and Morlen Health, a subsidiary of Northwest Permanente, P.C. DICOM XR Library offers a 3D perspective to complement the holographic diagnostic tools built into HoloScenarios.
Multiple learners can view any angle or cross-section of a medical imaging hologram, resize or rotate it at will, and view or hide abnormalities, pathologies and injuries - collaboratively and from anywhere in the world. Instructors and learners simply log into the Gig Immersive Learning Platform to access DICOM XR Library and its ever-expanding catalog of applications that present real-world cases. Using a mixed reality headset or any Android or iOS mobile phone or tablet, learners can observe and interact with immersive content in their own safe-to-fail environment.