Russelectric, a Siemens business and manufacturer of power control systems and automatic transfer switches, offers its Emergency Power System which provides backup power during a utility power loss. The paralleling switchgear systems offer redundant programmable logic controller (PLC) controls and manual backup capability.
The Russelectric Emergency Power System is used by hospitals. Complete systems are custom designed and fully manufactured by Russelectric. All systems are UL listed and can incorporate such sophisticated control functions as peak shaving and load curtailment. Russelectric paralleling systems incorporate dual, redundant, hot synchronized PLCs for system control. The unique system design allows manual start and synchronization of generator sets if automatic controls malfunction. Discrete switches, meters and control devices are standard to allow manual control capability in the event that both system PLCs fail.
Designed for safety and operating simplicity, the systems are supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)-capable. A 23-inch LCD HMI touchscreen display enables operators to view system one-line diagrams, alarms, and setpoints. Load demand sensing determines the number of engine generators in operation based on the loading. The system permits first priority loads to transfer to the connected engine generator set, while delaying the transfer of lower priority loads until additional generator capacity has been connected. Lower priority loads then transfer to the emergency power system as generator sets are added to the bus.