Geistlich Pharma North America announced the acquisition of Lynch Biologics, the developer and sole provider of GEM 21S, a recombinant growth factor product for use in oral regenerative surgery. This acquisition further strengthens the regenerative product portfolio of Geistlich and provides significant growth potential.
"I am so excited to combine Lynch Biologics with Geistlich Pharma North America. We look forward to being a part of the Geistlich Pharma North America team, known for their tremendous professionalism, integrity, and commitment to improving care for patients," said Sam Lynch, DMD, DMSC, CEO, Lynch Biologics. "I believe this is an exciting opportunity as we bring together the companies with the most widely used biologic and the world market leader in dental biomaterials, which is an ideal combination to serve our customers in the oral regenerative space. Equally, I am thrilled to expand our training and education capabilities, as well as continue our clinical research. Having played a small role in helping to launch Geistlich products in the US many years ago and now having the ability years later to work with this team to bring new cutting-edge technologies together is incredibly fulfilling for me personally."
Following the close of this acquisition, in conjunction with the Geistlich team, Dr. Lynch will continue to support existing and new customers through dental education and trainings, as well as assist in addressing any questions doctors may have regarding GEM 21S. All operations will be integrated, so Lynch Biologic customers can continue to order GEM 21S online, call the same 1-800 number, and most importantly, receive the same personalized service.